3 Multimedia Elements that can Add Vigor and Zing to your E-Commerce Portal

Web design is used to add value to a website as the first impression for the visitors turns out to be the last one for most of them. Unfortunately, even with an average web design, most businesses cannot make it big.

Businesses in big metropolitan cities like Dubai have to go through a dilemma virtually every other month. They need to be on their toes for coming up with new marketing strategies to woo their potential clients. Even their current clients are always open to trying out new products, so they must look for new ways.

The following are the three multimedia elements that can make any website enchanting and enticing to look at.

1. Use of Graphics

When we talk about graphics, most of us think it is related to the images and nothing else. However, graphics has an extensive definition, and most people are not aware of it. These can be termed as visual images and designs, and examples include photographs, designs, diagrams, geometric designs, maps, and numerous types of images.

Graphics are essential to provide good communication between the website and the end-users. They are still one of the best visual assets, even though videos are now used extensively. Short videos and streaming content can be found on virtually every website and can make a good difference. I will discuss more on this aspect later on in the video section. For the time being, I will stick to the use of graphics and web design.

A Good Old Way to Attract Visitors

Consistency in the design is key. On any website, you just cannot fool around with the visual elements of your website and make changes here and there. Graphic designing has always been one of the forces to reckon with, even before the dawn of the Internet. Websites started to get the benefits of graphics when video streaming was unheard of. The examples that I have given concerning the graphics, just like diagrams and geometric designs, can make for an interesting web design without going overboard. And the best part, you do not have to spend a fortune in this regard.

Graphic design is essential to communicating with existing clients and also to get the attention of your potential customers. Businesses can use exceptional graphics to transform their logos, user interface, and navigation to give it a new twist. Let us take the example of a logo. We all know how iconic logos like Nike and Apple are renowned worldwide. While I am not telling you to create a logo to rival Nike and Adidas, at least you can try, and a person expert in graphic designing can offer you an excellent way to make it happen.

2. Sound and Music to Add Substance to your Cause

Sounds play an important part in relieving a sad situation, and music can heal the soul. Over the internet, there is every chance for businesses to impact their website visitors through sounds significantly. While some visitors may have time for the sound, you can prompt them to listen to what you have created for them. And mind you, everything must be perfect so that they will listen to your creations and will make their experience of browsing through your website a memorable one.

Creating custom sounds and music pieces that gel well with your product or service will have a lasting impact on the visitors. You can take care of minor aspects like clicking a button and starting a new slideshow with effective sound effects. Nostalgic effects can be created with classical music like Beethoven’s symphonies, as we all love and adore them. But be sure not to use them without prior notice.

Play the Sounds Aptly

Relaxing music can also make for a good case, but it cannot be played on all websites. And for shopping portals, they may sound odd. But small pieces of music or sound bites can add substance to a website. Never be afraid of experimenting with different sounds and background music before launching the website. And even after that, you can get user feedback on using sounds and music on the website and change it accordingly.

3. Video

It is perhaps the most used design element today on the website, as you will see videos everywhere.  Whether it is shown as streaming video, played on the website, or you have the option of downloading it, there are multiple ways to offer information through a video. You can also indicate a complete section for the page where only videos are played so that your visitors can select whatever they want to see. Giving them the options may sometimes work unless you want them to see a video for sure.

Specific videos can be linked from other websites or your YouTube channel so that your page is not overwhelmed with videos. It is mainly done so that the performance of your website is not affected. Always offer sound and playback control to the visitor. There is nothing more frustrating than a video sound being played that you want to stop.

Videos can play a vital role in enlightening your visitors with information gained within a few seconds. That is why it is always imperative to think about what needs to be presented on your website, as most visitors will go through it.

Over to you

Multimedia elements are always part of a website, and there is nothing new in all the elements that I have mentioned, but using them aptly can make for a great case for the eventual success of your website. That is why give all the above-mentioned three sections your heart and soul to make them effective.

You are welcome to share your experience and use any of the aspects described in this blog. If you have any questions or want to add something here, please speak up. For any feedback too, please use the comments section below.

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Image source: Dreamstime.com

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