7 Effective Local Marketing Hacks for SMBs to Get the Best Results

So, you are thinking of marketing your business to a local area and want to connect to the right customers. Great! Marketers are aware of the basic local marketing strategies to attract customers within a specific area. As local marketing is different from global marketing and needs a different approach compared to traditional marketing strategies.

Having a solid local marketing strategy in place will help small businesses to reach target customers that are ready to pay for your products or services. What’s the point of building millions of global Instagram followers when no one is interested in your local services? It is advised to focus on the small community that is willing to buy your products. Getting your local marketing strategy right is important for small businesses to reach their goals and earn maximum profit.

Whether you are a restaurant business, fashion store, gym or a coffee shop, choosing the right local marketing tactics is important to reach local customers. Let’s discover some really effective local marketing strategies to promote your business in a specific location.

1.       Optimize Your Website for Local SEO

Okay, it is one of the most important local marketing tactics for SMBs that help them gain online visibility. Gaining a higher position on the local search results will eventually attract more local customers to your business. But the question is how to gain top position on the local search results? You need to discover the list of the right keywords that your target customers usually use to search products.

Use Google Trends to gain a better understanding of all the keywords and phrases people use in your area and industry. Once you figure out the list of search terms popular in your area, it’s time to optimize your website content and incorporate those keywords into your website to get better search results.

Make sure to use the name of location or area in your content to help people discover your services. For instance, if you offer web design services in Hertfordshire, mention in your website content that you are a web design company in Hertfordshire to target local clients. Try to adjust relevant search terms in your website content to make your website look authentic for the local audience.

2.       Create Content to Attract Local Audience

It is important to localize your website by crafting content for the local audience. For instance, you can include all the local search terms, mention your business location and cover local news and related topics on your blog.

The goal is to engage your community by sharing interesting and relevant topics. By covering local topics such as achievements, awards, events, news, places and problems faced by local audiences can help you catch the interest of the specific audience in your area.

3.       Design Location-Specific Landing Pages

If you are providing services to different countries, it is recommended to design dedicated landing pages for the specific location. The purpose of location-specific landing pages is to incorporate location-specific keywords and phrases and optimize them for local search results.

Unfortunately, many small business marketers don’t realize the true importance of landing pages and find it hard to increase traffic to their websites. It is a great idea to create a landing page for a specific service and create content for this page to get high quality traffic to your website.

4.       Promote Your Local Business on Social Media

No one can deny the true importance of social media, especially when it comes to promoting your business and creating an engaged user base. If truth be told, it is the most effective way to connect with your target audience and build their interest in your services or products.

You can make your social media profile location-specific by tagging your business location in every post. Using location-specific hashtags, sharing local news and topics, and mentioning a location on your profile are some effective local social media marketing tips to promote your business locally. You can also participate in local community groups to solve the pain points of the target audience. It is a proven strategy to attract your potential customers, engage with them and convince them to try your products or services.   

5.       Collaborate with Local Industry Experts

Small businesses need to promote their brand and get new customers to reach their sales goal. Your brand can increase brand awareness by connecting to local influencers within your industry. These people have a huge following and are willing to work with local businesses. Try to find local influencers and experts and ask them to promote your local brand on social media.

These influencers share interesting content related to your brand, such as how-to videos, benefits of using your services, and highlight the features of your products to develop a better understanding of your products or services. This strategy will help local businesses to market their products to the right audience.

6.       Run Paid Marketing Campaigns

Believe it or not, running paid ads on social media is an effective tactic to increase your brand visibility and reach the audience of a specific area. Facebook allows you to run paid marketing campaigns by selecting targeting audiences and specific local areas. This way you can display your ads to the audience of the specific location and personalized the ads as per the preferences of the potential customers.

7.       Google My Business Account

Creating a Google My Business Account is important for local businesses to increase their online visibility. Having a strong GMB profile will help customers find important business details such as contact number, website, office address, opening hours, email address, images of your business and other details that matter most for your potential customers.

Concluding Note

These are some really effective local marketing strategies to promote global brands or brick and mortar stores. Experiment with these strategies to figure out which one works best for your local business. Your business needs a prominent place in your area, and it will be possible when you have a solid online presence and get local marketing right.

Targeting your location-specific customers will become easier if you create an effective local marketing strategy for your business. Choose tactics wisely that perfectly fit your business needs and offer the best results.

You may also like: SEO for Small Business: Reasons Why Your Company Should Consider it

Image source: Shutterstock.com

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