The current scenario for businesses worldwide is very volatile as there is still not much good news to think about. Small businesses and startups are primarily those who feel the brunt of this scenario as they don’t have much to survive. In the initial few months, they have to make giant strides to make things […]
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Design and content go hand in hand; they cannot survive apart. Attract your readers through good design and then give them the content that keeps them reading and then revisiting your website or brochure. Dull “you will buy from us, won’t you” copy will turn off readers regardless of any layout, however whizzy. And a […]
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If your marketing is a house then copywriting is the foundation. The reason for that is that it has a place in all parts of your marketing. In everything from Facebook ads, your landing page, you are about you page, your blog posts, etc. Yet few are actually mastering it, which is a huge opportunity […]
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The rate at which the world of digital marketing changes is enough to make your head spin. One of the best decisions you can make for your business is to anticipate those shifts and trends. Educate yourself in trends and your strategies along the way. Today we will discuss how we take different marketing tactics, […]
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Low pay, monotonous tasks, disagreements with the client motivate you to look for new projects. Fear, insecurity, and a lukewarm relationship with the customer stop them. But to develop and earn more, sometimes you have to say “goodbye”. Freelancing is project work. Changing customers is part of the job and a necessary point for growth. […]
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SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a vital role in creating fast and user-friendly websites and making sure that your website ranks higher in the search engines. The higher your search engine rankings, the more profile visits you’ll get and ultimately more conversion rates. Apart from these, SEO also creates brand awareness and, whether your […]
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You have a brand-new business, you are re-launching, or you need to publicise a new product, special event or major landmark. So, you’ll need two things: a vehicle to take your message to the world; and the message itself. The choice of vehicle is simple. Who doesn’t have a website these days? But consider using […]
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Keeping your reader on-site or on the printed page is the key aim of good content. Every piece of writing has to do the same job. The longer readers linger, the more likely they are to read other material on your site or in print and, most importantly, eventually buy your services or products. So, […]
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Have you ever wondered how all the big tech giants and other businesses have made it to the top? Surely, they worked hard to reach the zenith and have great products, but there is another aspect that many people tend to ignore. They have a great online presence, which is one reason they capture the […]
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Companies and individuals try to come up with products that sell like a hot cake. Every year businesses start with a resolution to innovate and work creatively to develop something that can be the new iPhone. But it is easier said than done. To make such a product is complex. Even a brilliant Idea takes […]
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